Our Story

Once upon a time (1998 to be exact), an old rock and roll drummer from the Midwest moved to New England and opened Me & Ollies bakery in Portsmouth, NH. Then one day while trying to make granola bars with his three sons, he was caught day dreaming about peace signs, VW busses, and whatever else crunchy old rockers think about. Left to their own devices the three boys Max, Eli, and Ollie, struggled to keep the granola bars together. A few extra seeds here, a splash of vanilla there, a bit more honey to help it all stick together, but the granola kept falling apart into these crunchy, sweet and salty clusters. Sure, seemed unfortunate at first, but one taste and they realized... this stuff is better than any granola bar. And Granola Munch was born!


But these days, if you’ve been snacking on our crunchy clusters, you can be sure they were mixed, baked, and bagged by James and Connor.